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Line Losses Calculator

An automatic calculator to work out line losses in DC powered systems

In our article Minimising Line Losses in RE Systems (1) we looked at how the diameter of wire (cable) should be selected to ensure that line losses (i.e. energy lost when the current flowing through a wire heat it up) are kept below 10%.

Using thick cable reduces line losses

If you are interested in understanding the equations which are used to make the calculations below, then we recommend you read the article linked to above.

Wire Size Calculator

Enter the peak charging voltage (volts DC - e.g. 14V to 20V for a 12V rated wind turbine), wire length (metres), peak current (Amps), and maximum acceptable power loss (%, we suggest 10% or lower), and click Calculate to view the minimum cross sectional area of the wire you should use.

Current: Amps, Wire length: metres
Charging Voltage: Volts DC, Power Loss %.

Recommended minimum cross sectional area: mm2 = mm diameter.
To convert the above wire cross sectional area to AWG, mm diameter, or inch diameter, click here to go to our Automated AWG Wire Size Converter (2). Remember to choose a wire with a slightly larger cross sectional area than that recommended above to ensure that power losses are below your maximum acceptable percentage.

Line Losses Calculator

Alternatively use the calculator below to work out the line losses for a system with a given wire size (diameter measured in mm).

Current: Amps, Wire length: metres
Charging Voltage: Volts DC, Wire diameter mm

Power Loss: %.

Web Link References


Article from
Published: 24th September 2014
© REUK 2025